Origin Story

What happens when an avid golfer, basketball/rugby coach, and high school guidance counsellor invents a pair of glasses that increase focus and attention?

You get Insight Golf! 

In the fall of 2019, I walked into the school library. Senior students were studying at tables, a class was using the computers and some students were writing make-up tests. 

The students at the computers were talking and distracting one another. The seniors students were trying to focus, but were distracted by the class at the computers. 

The students writing the tests were sitting at cubicles on the other side of the library. They were focused.  How? The cubicles blocked out their peripheral vision and eliminated physical distractions.

One pair of safety glasses, two circular stickers and one can of spray paint later..the first prototype of Insight Glasses were created.

Discovering the impact of focused attention and Joan Vicker's Quiet Eye Theory in sport and golf, in particular, was the next big step!

Keith Colley 

